Estate Gift Will Help Future Generations Receive Quality Cancer Care

Anne and Don Graubart

Anne and Don Graubart

Vail has always held a special place in Anne and Don Graubart's hearts. Their extensive family enjoys hiking and exploring the mountains together, and their grandchildren learned to ski here. After Don sold his company 11 years ago, the couple chose to make this close-knit community their home.

Don was diagnosed with cancer at MD Anderson in Houston nearly 30 years ago. It has been important to continue his care and treatment plan while in Vail.

They were astonished by the high-quality, holistic care and sense of community they experienced at Vail Health. "The technology at Shaw Cancer Center just blew my mind," he says. "To have that type of equipment at a regional hospital was most impressive."

Don participated in Shaw's Spirit of Survival program, which incorporates fitness, nutrition, physical therapy and a variety of support and wellness services to empower individuals to thrive during and after cancer treatment.

Once it came time for the Graubarts to look into estate planning, Shaw Cancer Center was at the top of the list. "We wanted to support places that are meaningful to us, in hopes that it'll make a difference in somebody else's life," says Anne.

"We could touch more people and make it an impactful gift by doing a planned gift," adds Don.

Giving back and leaving a legacy has always been very important to the couple. "You've got to leave the world a better place than the way you found it," says Anne. "We think it is so important to instill giving into families. One of the provisions in our will gives our grandchildren money that can only be used to donate to charities of their choice."

Like the Graubarts, you can ensure your support for a program or area close to your heart with a planned gift. Contact Aaron Ciszek at 970.569.7574 or or Anne Walters at 970.569.7648 or to learn more about your options.